Saturday, April 17, 2010

Universal Studios Tours – Attractions to See

If you are planning a trip to Universal Studios, there

are many attractions to keep you occupied,

including the Universal Studios Tour, which takes

about one hour. However, there are some attractions

that absolutely must not be missed!

All of the rides have a movie theme, and if you’ve

seen the movies, this makes the rides more

enjoyable. Start with Backdraft. This isn’t actually a

ride, but it is a fire show that features lots of stunts

and interaction. Other shows that must not be

missed include Animal Planet Live, WaterWorld, and

Fear Factor Live. With Fear Factor Live, make sure

that you know what you are getting into before you

agree to participate!

Terminator 2: 3D is the same as the movie

Terminator 2 – but it is in 3D, which you probably

have not yet seen. The Mummy Returns: Chamber

of Doom is like a haunted house that you walk

through, which is full of thrills. The Studio Tour will

have you on the set of Jaws and Psycho, in a

western town, on a New York street, and

experiencing an earthquake with King Kong.